Can I swim with you?

You can swim with us if you have an additional need, disability (physical, learning or sensory), long term health condition or recovery from injury or illness. If you haven’t then this session would not be suited to you.

Do you teach swimming?

No, we do not teach swimming, JKM swim school teach at Iveshead Pool and they are happy to discuss your learning to swim needs and work with you.

I have an child with Autism can we all swim as a family?

Yes – family, friends and carers are all welcome to swim.

How much is it to join?

We do not have a joining fee, it is pay as you swim. It is £2.50 for adults and £1 for under 18’s. Under 2’s are free. One carer can swim free with each paying member.

How can I get into the water?

There are 4 poolside wall steps down into the water and a Oxford dipper poolside chair hoist. Unfortunately we do not have a attachment for a sling hoist as we haven’t got the changing facilities that this would require. We are working on improving our disabled changing facilities with the school.

Where are you?

We run our sessions in Iveshead Community Pool on the Shepshed School Campus.

When do your sessions run?

We run every Saturday morning 10.30-12.30pm last entry is midday and you have to be out of the water by 12.20pm.

We close for Easter weekend and for two weeks at Christmas when the school campus is closed. If we ever have to close for technical or staffing issues we will update members via facebook, this website and email or phone.

Do I need to be a member?

You do, yes, but it is not a paid membership – you can swim every Saturday or once a month. We call all our swimmers ‘members’ because we are a group for everyone and you can have your say in how we run if you wanted to by joining the committee or attending the annual meeting. We do ask you to fill in a membership form so we have your contact details and emergency details. We only use these to let you know when sessions are closed last minute or to send out our news letter.

Have you got a changing room policy?

Yes, please see download below. Please see our policy page for all of our group policies and GDPR statement.